Albemarle Dental
Proudly serving Charlottesville, VA

About Extractions

Extractions Q&A

Removing a tooth via extraction can make room in your mouth for beneficial orthodontic treatment or treat severe tooth decay. At Albemarle Dental Associates in Charlottesville, Virginia, the expert dental team performs extractions safely to keep your oral health intact. To determine if you need a dental extraction, call Albemarle Dental Associates or request an appointment online today.

What are extractions?

Tooth extractions are minor in-office procedures to take certain teeth out of your mouth, usually for health-related purposes. 

Since losing a tooth for any reason can lead to other complications, the team at Albemarle Dental Associates discusses options for replacement if you need to fill the gap. However, some extractions are done to make more room for orthodontic treatment. 

Plenty of options are available for numbing specific nerves in the area around the tooth being extracted. Most extractions require only this type of local anesthesia, but if you feel any pain during the procedure, you should let the team know immediately.

Due to their positions, some teeth need to be cut into sections before extraction. The team at Albemarle Dental Associates safely removes one section at a time if needed, though most teeth can be elevated and removed in whole. 

When are extractions needed?

Although an extraction might not sound ideal, there are many reasons why it may need to happen. The team at Albemarle Dental Associates lets you know why an extraction is needed and how they’ll perform the procedure. You might need an extraction to:

Treat decay or gum disease

Oral health issues like tooth decay and gum disease can spread and get worse without treatment. If one of these conditions is in an advanced stage and threatens the health of a tooth, your dentist might suggest an extraction to remove the affected tooth in its entirety.

Remove a broken tooth

If a tooth is broken beyond repair, extracting it and replacing it with an implant or bridge may be your best option. 

Remove an impacted tooth

An impacted tooth hasn’t erupted or won’t erupt from the gums. These teeth can be prone to infection and abscesses, so removing them is often important for your health. Wisdom teeth, some of the most commonly extracted teeth, are often impacted due to a lack of space in the back of your mouth. 

Make way for orthodontic treatment

If you’re getting braces or clear braces soon and have crowded teeth, you might need one or more extractions to create enough space for your teeth to shift effectively.

What happens after extractions?

After a tooth extraction, a blood clot forms in the socket to stop the bleeding naturally. You need to bite down on a piece of gauze after the procedure and change the gauze when it gets soaked in blood. 

To avoid dislodging the blood clot, the team at Albemarle Dental Associates advises you to:

  • Stop using straws
  • Avoid smoking
  • Avoid rinsing your mouth vigorously
  • Take a break from alcohol
  • Brush around the extraction site
  • Limit vigorous exercise

For any swelling that occurs in the first 48 hours, you can use ice. You may also use pain medications and anti-inflammatories, but only as instructed by the team.  

To set up an extraction consultation, call Albemarle Dental Associates or request one online today.